IMAGINE AN ADVANCED ROBOTIC DESIGN, ABLE TO PERFORM manual labor, learn new things via a connection to the world wide web, having self-awareness and the latest artificial intelligence software algorithms.  Now top that off with compasion, the ability to show empathy, care about others and to give love. Pretty incredible and world changing, right?  At first this robot would be a special prototype, with a high price tag.  There is bound to be de-bugging and beta-testing to be done.  Later, the design would be mass-produced, just another output of our computerized, global economy.

Now think about how each human is created.  A special combination of personality, appearance, strengths, passions and capabilities, produced when you came into being.  All your experiences add in to make you who you are.  Consider all the coincidences, chance meetings between people, choices that were made, that led you.  If you believe in only nature, without an intelligent designer, you are just a random arrangement of parental DNA, dropped into the culture and environment that your mother happened to be at the time.  You would be less than the robot prototype, lacking a functional plan and purpose as envisioned by your maker.  But you are NOT LESS, you are MUCH MORE than unintelligent physical processes and matter.  You have a Divine Maker having a hand in the connections and events that led to a unique you, a Miracle of God’s choosing.

God lights up attributes in each of us, bringing out beauty and inspiration.  In an amazing world wide network of individuals and connectivity, God guides, but grants free will.  Situations and experiences, both pleasant and difficult, infuse into our being.  Elements of nature, nurture, spiritual strength, grace and so much more, all coalesce to form something amazing.  No mistake about it, everyone is God’s Masterpiece.  If you feel incomplete, uninspired, unworthy, God isn’t finished with you yet.  God is refining you and is your partner in making you everything you were created to be.  You have a special purpose, an exclusive designs with unique functions and relationships.  You have not been programed or mass-produced.  You are a one of a kind creation, never to be repeated or reproduced, before or after in all eternity.

You are God’s Miracle.  You are God’s Masterpiece.  Incredible and world changing, right?  THAT’S YOU!

Posted in God

One thought on “A Masterpiece, A Miracle–That’s You & Here’s Why

  1. Good stuff here. There could be long discussions on whether random chance is guided by the hand of God – Specifically directed to/for specific individuals for specific reasons. Or perhaps simply a universally started event where whatever may happen to specific individuals (good or bad), is of no concern to God (in the grand scheme of things).

    All in all excellent stuff. Amazing to think about.

    Liked by 1 person

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